Thursday, October 21, 2010

Computer Wiz

Like most kids these days, Lora is an absolute WIZ on the computer. Seriously. She can do just about anything (not involving software and, heck, maybe even that if she tried!)

Apparently YouTube is filled with these tween-made videos that feature today's teen heartthrob stars, complete with still photos snagged from the web and a little plot. She has made about a dozen, and they've all been viewed more than 1,000 times!!!


And judging from the comments she reads to me, they're considered to be pretty good.

So the other day when she was at the computer and I asked, "Whatcha doin'?" and she replied "I'm making a game," I took it in stride.

You go girl, I thought.

But later, when she showed me this Power Point game, actually a quiz on rocks and minerals featuring flash graphics, I nearly fell on the floor.


Well, Marty was so impressed that he saved it on a jump drive for her (she didn't quite know how to do that -- yet) so she could bring it to school.

And she did.

Her teacher was impressed as well.

"You made that?" the teacher asked, probably as incredulous as I was.


"By yourself?


"Your dad didn't help you?"

To which Lora replied -- with accompanying eye roll: "My dad doesn't know how to do this."

You go girl!!!

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